More conversion on your website? Action solutions
The conversion rate of your website is the percentage of your total visitors that eventually proceeds to an action. This may be ordering a product, but also fill out a contact form or downloading a whitepaper. Do you have a online shop? The conversion rate then displays the percentage of your total visitors that eventually lead to a purchase.
Of course you want the conversion rate of your shop is as high as possible, but how can you ensure that more visitors to your web shop take action? Follow the four steps in this article and start immediately with persuading visitors to your shop for increased sales.
Step 1: Define conversion goals
Before you can start to increase the conversion rate of your shop, it is important to establish clear and specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This may increase the purchase of your shop, but can also involve increasing the visitors duration of your shop. You can create several KPIs to spread your chances, but never imagine too many KPIs. Incidentally, it is very important to set your KPIs as specific as possible so you can easily check whether you have achieved your established KPIs.
Step 2: Optimize the content of your shop for conversion
Once you have determined what goals you want to achieve with your shop, it is important to improve the content of your shop to achieve these goals. Do you want to achieve more sales? Improve the product descriptions of the items in your shop or make a page for category descriptions.
Step 3: optimize your conversion blockers
The conversionblockers of your online shop are several positive touchpoints, such as a short wait, a wide range, a good and responsive design and proper routing through the shop. By optimizing the conversion blockers for each device (including for tablets and smartphones), it improves the experience on your shop and increase the conversion rate.
Step 4: Evaluate, adjust it and adjust
If you let your shop took a turn with your new content and optimized conversion blockers, you can evaluate the results of your actions. Do you have few results? Try to figure out why this is and customize your shop once again. You can also choose to set your goals, if it subsequently appears that the conversion goals that you have set up have been too ambitious. Are your goals be achieved? Then set new goals to your shop to give a further boost conversion.